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Do we need a gender lens for climate risk management?

2014 May
by kkeeton

Farmers in Mali. Photo: P.Casier/CCAFS

Farmers in Mali. Photo: P.Casier/CCAFS

Variation in agricultural output, due to climatic shocks, is a significant source of risk in agriculture.  It’s also a significant constraint to both agricultural growth and food security. Are men and women affected differently by climate risk? If so, do policies then need to specifically address women’s needs in addition to men’s needs?


Andrew Dillon, assistant professor at Michigan State University in the Department of Agricultural, Food and Resource Economics, and his colleague Joshua Gill, investigated the effect that farm assets and access to irrigation may have on male and female farmers in the face of climate variability in a recently released study financed by BMZ.


To read Andrew's full post, please visit the website of the CGIAR Research Program on Water, Land and Ecosystems.